5 Practical Reasons Why You Should Adopt a pet and Not Shop
You may have come across this phrase “Adopt Don’t Shop” on billboards, why is that so? Why are people always told to adopt a pet from their local shelters instead of buying a pet from the pet store
4 Pet Trends That Are Not Worth The Hype
Have you ever seen a video of an Australian Shepard doing yoga with his dog mom? It was cute, however, some of these pet trends can be borderline questionable when it involves the well-being of an animal.
5 Ways to Get Involved with Pet Owners in Your Community
Having a dog or cat helps you stay fit with daily walks and exercise. Meeting other pet owners can also help improve your social life as well.
What You Need to Know About First Aid for Pets
A guide on how to administer first aid for pets in some of the most common pet emergencies.
Why Using An Elevated Bowl For Your Cat and Dog Is More Beneficial Than You’d Think
Feeding our pets right goes beyond what we put in their bowls but also how we place their bowls. Typically we would place their food and water bowls on the ground which creates a distance between their mouths and the food. As a result, our pets would have to stretch their necks further and gulp […]
You Need To Read This If You’re Still Feeding Your Pet Tap Water!
Hydration is essential in keeping any living being alive. And like us, our pets have a body containing 75% water which helps with: Regulating body temperature Maintaining skin elasticity Lubrication of joints Maintaining moisture in eyes, nose, mouth and lungs Cushioning the nervous system and organs Excretion and elimination of waste products Overall nourishment and […]
How To Keep Your Pets Entertained And Active At Home, Especially Due To CMCO
Being stuck in a confined space for long periods of time can make any living being feel restless and antsy. Us humans would probably whine and gripe about how bored we are and then proceed to make TikTok videos or experiment on a new recipe. All these new found hobbies serve as mental stimulation in […]
How To Get Your Pets Of Different Species To Co-Live Peacefully, Based On True Experience
In most cases where a pet parent has pets of different species, they’re often kept in separate corners of the house. But that can’t be said for Sarah who has a dog, a cat, a bird, and a snake living under the same roof. Meet Sarah Identifiable by her brightly coloured hair, Sarah’s love for […]
Thinking Of Making Fresh Homecooked Food For Your Furkids? Here’s Your Shopping List.
Healthy meals are generally regarded as expensive meals for both humans and pets alike. That may be true if we’re having them from healthy food restaurants or cafes as the price factors in profits, rental and other expenditures to keep the business alive. Aside from it being a more convenient and arguably better tasting alternative, […]
Common Questions We Get About DIY-ing Fresh Food At Home For Your Pets
When it comes to food, some say that DIY is best. Simply because you’ll know what’s going into the dish and what you’re feeding yourself or your (fur)kids with. Hence here are some questions our Petchef team has been getting from our beloved customers about preparing and serving fresh pet food to their pets. What […]