Feeding Your Doggo Carbohydrates – Is It Really A Good Idea?

Are you feeding your best friend too many carbs? If kibble is their main meal, then they are getting a great deal of it. On average, dog food consists of up to 30-60% grains and starches. Of course, you give your pet only the best out there, but is it bad for them? There is […]

Here’s A Long List Of Fruits Dos And Don’ts For Your Doggie Furkid

As pet parents, we’ve all seen those puppy dog eyes staring at us while we’re eating something. And naturally, we’d have the urge to share our human treats with our furkid. But before we do that, we’d check if a certain food is safe for our pets, as proven by Google’s search recommendations. Hence, we […]

Get To Know These Common Medical Problems That Small & Cute Dog Breeds Usually Have

They’re adorable, they’re smol, they’re little pupperinos that are almost as portable as laptops. If you’re considering adopting or owning a small dog breed, perhaps you’re thinking “small problems come in small packages”. However, you should not be deceived by their tiny stature and size.  Larger breed dogs may face issues such as bloat and […]

Rabies Is Deadly For Both Dogs And Humans, Here’s What You Need To Know

Rabies is a disease that has earned its street cred for legitimate reasons. Everyone knows that it’s a deadly and highly infectious disease that causes animals to turn rabid. And a bite from an infected animal can have a fatal effect on us humans. This lethal virus attacks the brain and spinal cord of mammals […]

Help! Why Is My Dog Is Eating Its Own Poop?

As gross as it sounds, it happens more than you’d think it does. Stool-eating, which is also known as coprophagia, commonly happens in rabbits but also dogs. Because besides finding their snacks smelling delicious, they also sometimes find poop of their own or other animals delicious. But why do they fancy these hotcakes and when […]

How To Safely Trim Your Dog’s Nails Without Making It A Traumatising Experience

Some doggos don’t mind getting their nails trimmed, and that’s a huge blessing and relief for their furparents. Usually we’d much rather leave the clipping and trimming to the professional groomers. However, sometimes life gets in the way and their nails might get overgrown. If left unattended, this could cause their quick to extend in […]

11 Reasons That Might Explain Why Your Sweet Doggo Smells So Stinky

Our doggos may be the perfect depiction of sunshine, rainbows, cotton candy and everything else that reminds you of sweet happy experiences. But it would be a little odd for them to smell that sweet. They’ve got their own musk, an Eau de Pooch if you will. It’s a result of their perspiration from their […]